White Pages is a directory of telephone numbers and addresses for individuals and businesses in New Zealand, including Dunedin. The directory is available in both print and online formats, and it can be used to find contact information for businesses and individuals in the area.
To find businesses in Dunedin using White Pages, you can:
- Visit the White Pages website, and enter the name or type of business you are looking for in the search bar. You can also filter your search by location, category, or distance.
- You can also use the website to search for an individual or a specific address.
- You can also download the White Pages App and use it on your mobile device.
In addition to White Pages, there are other ways to find businesses in Dunedin:
- The Dunedin City Council website has a “Business directory” section, where you can find a list of businesses and services in Dunedin, sorted by category.
- Local newspapers and magazines often have classified ads and business directories. In fact, DUN has a business directory. You can also contact us for more information.
- Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo can be used to find businesses in Dunedin, by searching for specific keywords or categories.
- Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can also be used to find businesses in Dunedin. Many businesses have social media pages, where they share information about their products and services.
- Asking for recommendations from friends and family, can also be a great way to find trustworthy businesses in Dunedin.
It’s always recommended to do some research, check the reviews and ratings, and compare different businesses and services to find the best one that matches your needs and preferences.